Today I'm missing some aspects of my old life. Those of you who know me know that I'm what people would define as "girly" - a word I don't really like. That means I like skirts and heels and dislike playing competitive sports and hiking. I don't like the feeling of isolation I get when I'm living in the country. I know a lot of people like it - the peace and quiet of it, the easy stillness - but I am not one of those people. I like the movement and noise of the city, the sprawl of the suburbs. I like to know that I am never far from a crowd, from the convenience of a late night visit to Target. The fact that I'm here, in the rural mountains of Costa Rica, is a testament to the strength of God's call. I would never have chosen this for myself.
And like I said, that's not always easy. Maybe it's because I've been sick since last Saturday, maybe it's because we were just with a large group of people who are now gone, maybe it's because we don't have Internet or an office and I feel more disconnected than I'd like, but this week has been rough for me personally.
This week I'm missing.
- Hot showers.
- Hot water in the sink.
- Heat, in general.
- Cell signal in my town.
- Easy communication - mail service, telephone, tv, Internet, a radio signal....
- Watching tv shows on Hulu in bed.
- Talking to my besties and my family.
- Spontaneity.
- Automatic transmissions.
- A car with doors I can open without having to put all my weight into them.
- Diversity in food.
- Delivery pizza - shoot, I'd settle for frozen.
- 8-9 hour work days.
- A weekend that's a weekend.
- Date nights with Ben.
- Choices.
- A pay check.
And because I hate to be the girl who can only talk about the things that are not easy, I will say that I do, generally, like it here. I like that even though it's pretty cold today, at least it's not snow inducing cold. I love that I look out my windows to see the view of a volcano.
I like the work we're doing. I like the people I work with. I love teaching, and I especially love that I still enjoy it after feeling so jaded and burnt out on teaching in the States.
I love that God is teaching me that I have never actually been able to provide money and food for myself, and that He's still doing a great job of providing all I could ever need. I love that He's opened the doors so that we can have a place to live (free in exchange for repairs of earthquake damage). I love that He's showing me to depend on Him and His people in ways I've never had to before. I love that He's teaching me so much. The learning may not be easy, but it's worthwhile. The work is worthwhile. The long days and long weeks are worthwhile.
I believe that with everything in me, and I believe that God is in the midst of this missing, but even so, today I am missing.